
Welcome to BlooketBot.com

Before you continue, please read this simple disclaimer.

For Educational Purposes Only: BlooketBot.com and its services are for educational and research purposes only. Using bots to interact with Blooket is not approved by Blooket and might break their rules.

No Guarantees: We try to give accurate and reliable information, but we can't promise our Blooket bot will always work perfectly. Results can change based on things like internet speed, Blooket's updates, and other factors we can't control.

User Responsibility: You are responsible for how you use BlooketBot.com. We do not support cheating or misuse of Blooket or any other educational platform.

Legality: Use BlooketBot.com legally and follow all laws, rules, and Blooket's terms of service. Misusing our services is not allowed.

No Connection to Blooket: BlooketBot.com is not connected to Blooket or any other third-party services mentioned. We are an independent site providing tools and information for educational purposes.

Service Changes: We can change, pause, or stop any part of our services at any time without notice.

Limitation of Liability: We are not responsible for any damages that come from using or not being able to use BlooketBot.com or its services.

Third-party Links: Our website may have links to other websites or resources. We are not responsible for the content or availability of these external sites.

Consent: By using BlooketBot.com, you agree to this disclaimer and all terms and conditions.

Contact Us: If you have any questions or concerns about this disclaimer or our services, please Contact Us.

By continuing to use BlooketBot.com, you confirm that you have read, understood, and agreed to this disclaimer.

Last updated: January 22, 2024